Hey guys,
First off I want to say thank you so much for all the support. It is tremendous. I am so grateful you don't even know :D I thought I should post a before picture because I haven't yet figured out how to make tabs to have a section for that. So here is my before Picture.This was taken January 2009 at the Christian Fellowship group that I am a part of. I don't really know how much I weigh here but it is too much. :D
Now onto how my first day went. Started out with a good meal called Not-So Cottage Cheese. Which is a half cup of cottage cheese, raspberries, almonds, banana and the protean powder they gave me. Along with like 8 pills to start the day. Not a bad start. It tasted a little off because I am not used to protean powder and the almonds I picked up were actually flavoured.. So yah.
After Church a friend and I went to the mall. I needed to pick up a scale to weigh the food. I did not know that 125 g of something is half a cup.. so yay scale. I was super hungry and a ham wrap was supposed to be for lunch. So instead of making it at home I went to Mr. Sub and got a whole wheat ham wrap and water. It was really good. I am sure the green olives were a little salty but it is ok. Also I picked up Almond butter at Bulk Barn because when I went grocery shopping for the week Sobey's didn't have any.
For dinner It was supposed to be a Garden Chicken Salad. This has mushrooms, onions and chicken in it. Looks delicious eh?
But I didn't get around to eating it because another friend asked me over to her place. So we did dinner there. Which wasn't so healthy but I did only drink water while I was there. So I am saving the chicken salad for tomorrow's lunch. :D
Steps Today: 9095 (give or take a few)
Hope you are all doing well. <3 keep up the good work and remember to take things one day at a time.
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your meals sound delicious...and sounds like a day in the meals of moi! Especially breakfast. I loooooooove cottage cheese and raspberries.
And I have an addiction to almond butta ;)
Watttter is goood by the way.
Sounds like you are starting to get on plan and it's exciting ;) Weighing food and knowing measurments is a great tool as well!
Mmm, that chicken salad looks delicious!
Water is always a smart choice - that is pretty much the only thing I drink besides a cup of coffee in the morning.
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