Week 1, Day 7

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Good evening my lovelies,

So today was the last day of the first week of the rest of my life. Sounds ominous? Maybe because it is Halloween season. Bua ha ha ha ha. But seriously some people say it takes seven days to make a habit. I want my healthy eating to be come a full time thing. To the point were I am not even tempted to eat unhealthy. So lets get things rolling

For Breakfast I had a delicious strawberry banana smoothie :D I love my blender. So light and kept me full.. I don't know why that is important but it is. I would rather be full than hungry. Trying to change my mentality on that.

I had to work today and since it is grocery day I didn't bring anything for lunch. So after work I grabbed a ham flat bread from Subway. Packed full of veggies. And I had a water for the drink :D Such a change from my normal Subway order (A foot-long Chicken Bacon Ranch meal deal). Then I went to the local bulk food store and found some amazing stuff. These bars for example. :D I am excited to try them.

As well as this flaxseed oil. Supposed to be super good for high chlestorol. My good friend Jocelyn said that it is great in smoothies. Which I think is why it is on the grocery list. :D So something new to try.
Finally for Dinner I had the Chicken Greek Salad again. It was so good the first time around. Once again it didn't fail. I seriously love this salad :D
Well the first week is done. Nine more to go and I have lost a total of five lbs. I could not be happier. :D Hope you all have a fantastic finish to your weekend. Please continue to stay tuned for more delicious meals and even more weight loss.

Steps: 4653


Jolene - EverydayFoodie said...

Congrats on a great first week girl! You are on your way :-)

Unknown said...

man...I am so proud of you..honestly!

My old meal at subway also used to be chicken bacon ranch...

or footlong anything actually :P:P lol

Now I either get 6 inch veggie (still with cheese and sauce though :P) or flat bread with veggie :)

misssarahlou said...

WTG on your loss - sounds like you are well on the way to changing your habits :o)

ABCSteed said...

Hey beautiful. I am so proud of you! The second week might be a lot harder for you because the first week everything is "new". I am here for you and even if you can't hear me, I'm cheering you on.
Love you!

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