Week 5, Day 1-7 and Week 6, Day 1

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hey friends,
I am so sorry. Life seemed to kick me in the ass every time I turned around. I don't even know how to explain it other than that.

The week was ok. I went down another pound so that is a total of 18 lost. I am just tired I guess. I shouldn't be. I still love the food and it is great but It has been five weeks. And I am naturally a lazy person.

But I know I need to keep plugging at it. This is for me. My life.

Hope you are all doing better than I am.. Another new week brings new challenges and I am (hopefully) ready to kick life back. :)


Jolene - EverydayFoodie said...

Oh girl - I hope this week is better for you. Kick life hard in the teeth! You are strong, and beautiful, and you are doing AMAZING with your weight loss! I don't know how you do it - but whatever you are doing, it is working! Keep it up, and don't let anything get you down :-)

Jolene xoxox

Mel said...

you're doing great, and I love the food pictures...please bring them back!!!!

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