Week 2, Day 4

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Morning Ladies,
I am sorry that this post is the day after. I was just so bogged down with homework. But I went into the center yesterday and I am down a total of 9 lbs.. I go in tomorrow to so lets make sure that tomrrow is 10 :D hehe

So to start off I thought I should tell you that I got a new kitten :D Her name is Storm and she is super cute.
Ok to get onto the meals. For Breakfast I had a choclate smoothie with peanut butter and banana.. Very good. :D It is a repeat from before.

For Lunch I had a Salmon wrap with hummus and lettuce and carrot :D once again a repeat but easy to make and delicious.
For Snack I had Apples with Almond butter and cheese slices. The ladies at the center said I should eat a snack even if I'm not hungry.. so yah. It was very good. Never had almond butter before so that was a new experience.

Finally for Dinner I had Teryki Sesame Chicken with baby greens. I was supposed to have a baked Sweet potato with it but ran out of sweet potatoes. hmm need to get some more.

Well I guess that is about it. Need to get walking some more but feel a cold coming on. Hmm Hope you are all doing well.

Steps: 4037 (yep maybe a long walk is in order today)


Unknown said...

hey girl..CUTE KITTY :):)

I absolutely LOVE apples with almond butter..so so good. Your food looks yummy and healthy and congratz on the 9 pounds soon to be 10 :)

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said...

Very cute kitty!

I also love apples with almond butter - a perfect snack indeed!

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